Home Uncategorized Have you ever wanted to help a race team, but didn’t feel like you had enough mo…

Have you ever wanted to help a race team, but didn’t feel like you had enough mo…

by Show-Me Dirt

Have you ever wanted to help a race team, but didn’t feel like you had enough money to get a spot on the car? Here are a few simple and inexpensive ways to help my team get down the road.. we will recognize those people who help!

– Rolls Of Quarters For Car Washes
– Purchase A Tire/tires For A Team ($70 per tire)
-Purchase a wheel/ wheels for the team ($100.00 a wheel)
– Gift Cards For Fast Food Joints, Or Restaurants
– Cases Of Water
– Buy A Driver Stacks Of Tearoffs
– Fuel Cards
– Buy Battery’s Or Ear Buds
All the little things help make the big things go around! It all helps 👊🏻🤘🏁


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