Others have children also that want to have experiences like us! I see it and I understand it. I know some don’t grasp it even after explaining its ok! Some can’t afford big cars or quarter midgets or maybe are just not allowed to do that type of racing, due to the risk or another parent not liking the idea of it! Rc racing is a bit safer indeed and a lot cheaper for sure! Rc racing brings these families together that have children to experience the exact same thing as quarter midget families and big car families get to experience during the long summer season. We choose to put our other racing on hold during rc season for these families. This way they can have that bond that we are fortunate to have during the summer! It’s here the big one the final show of the very short winter season! The 2025 Slick Track Nationals! Let’s go have fun guys enjoy your time with your daughters, sons, because all of you deserve to have these experiences as well! Thinking about future stars that start with this. also, future fans, that start with this or even already established fans and drivers finding a place to continue to share stories talk racing is all fuel to keep me personally motivated! Kids learn eye and hand coordination, mechanical skills, patience, social media and marketing experiences are just few of many things our racers gain from this little track, some may not believe this but follow our racers watch some of the young ones in the pits with your eyes and experiences and witness what I have over these 5 years at Jake’s. Just more fuel to put my head down and continue to deliver the best experiences possible!
Others have children also that want to have experiences like us! I see it and I …